On Saturday, September 14th, TACF VT/NH will hold its first ever joint Orchard Management Day with the New London, NH Conservation Commission (NLCC). This Commission is a proud chapter member which has eighty chestnut trees growing on various public lands in New London and another twenty seedlings to plant and cage from this year’s free nut distribution.
Following a presentation by NLCC at our annual meeting in the spring, some members toured their plantings, young and older. And at a recent board meeting, your Board of Directors decided joint relationships with Commissions like the NLCC made perfect sense and a path for the future – extending TACF VT/NH’s mission by combining financial, human and land resources of like-minded organizations within chapter geography to plant and manage Chestnut. The board authorized the purchase of proper posts and caging for half their plantings this year, and the other half next year.
On Saturday September 14th, volunteers from TACF VT/NH will join volunteers of the NLCC at the Park-n-Ride on Route 104 West, right off exit 12 of Interstate 89 (one of the New London exits) at 8am. We will divide up to work in two of their planting sites. Sloped locations where some new plantings will go in, and some existing plantings will be modified – reposted and caged to GCO standards. NLCC has secured wood chip mulch for all the plantings, some of which have reached eight feet tall. Holes have already been dug for new plantings, so we’re anticipating that work will be done by noon. The weather should be cooler, some fall breezes blowing and colors beginning to show. If you have volunteered before you’ll know this is a great time to come out, and if you haven’t come out before it’s the perfect opportunity, and an important one.
Following the work, we’ll be moving to a Sunapee lakeshore for time enjoying a barbecue lunch – and if you’re interested – a final 2024 swim. With a good volunteer turnout, we should wrap up (including lunch) by 12 – 1pm. There’s nothing you need to bring except your energy, enthusiasm for Chestnut and a pair of leather work gloves. There will be access to toileting facilities of some kind. RSVP to Evan Fox –