Dear members and friends,
The Maryland Chapter of the American Chestnut Foundation (MDTACF) will have our fall meeting by Zoom on Saturday, Oct. 2, starting at 10:00 am. (The Zoom invitation is below).We are very pleased to announce that our keynote speaker will be the American Chestnut Foundation’s Director of Science, Jared Westbrook. The title of his presentation will be: Merging breeding and biotech strategies for American chestnut restoration. Followed by Q & A.
As MDTACF chapter president, I will also provide an update on the status of our work in Maryland, including changes we are making to our breeding program in light of the newest scientific information. This will also be followed by Q & A. We will conclude with a brief chapter business meeting, including the announcement of nominations for members of the board and for officers for 2022, and we will explain how MDTACF members can participate in our 2021 election remotely.
Of course we had hoped to do the meeting in person this year, and will revert to in-person meetings as soon as it becomes feasible. In the meanwhile, we look forward to seeing you on Zoom.
Bruce Levine
Maryland Chapter of the American Chestnut Foundation
Topic: MDTACF Fall Meeting
Time: Oct 2, 2021 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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